WAXing has always been on my bucket list but it looks quite painful. So I did my research on sugaring and how painless they say it.. simply because my shaving cream got finished and I was too lazy to head to the supermarket … #living in the surbardz nkt! ..
So I made some both the hard wax and the soft wax and I found them quite painless #lies lol…but ones I started I couldn’t stop it became addictive ..painfully addictive … you see where this is going… I have to admit that my arms and legs feels great.
When it comes to waxing you should prepare your skin it should be exfoliated like 2 or 3 days to the waxing day and before waxing wash the desire area and swab it with some surgical spirt. See this video on the pre and post of waxing.

There are two types of waxes he hard wax and the soft wax they boy depend in he consistency. People have different ways of making these waxes like water, sugar, lemon juice, apple cider, salt and heat but most of them revolve around sugar, water and lemon juice.

So have a try and let me know want you think :).

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